In Vivo Respiratory Disease and PK/PD Models


Highly experienced in vivo team and integrated support teams

Multiple validated small animal models with option for customization

Specialized Aerosol Technology team to support the inhalation dose route

Start your discovery efficacy and early safety respiratory studies right with our lead optimization in vivo models supported by integrated teams  focusing on in vitro aerosol safetybiomarkersdiscovery bioanalysis, histology and special pathology and cell and molecular sciences. Our scientific leaders provide valuable insights based on decades of experience and are dedicated to delivering high-quality data to meet your timelines.

Key capabilities:

  • Multiple small animal models validated with clinically relevant positive control, plus bespoke model development upon request
  • BSL2 containment facilities to support pathogen (Bacterial, fungal and viral) work
  • Expertise in invasive (Flexivent, forced manouvres) and non-invasive (Plethysmography) lung function
  • Automated technology for in-life data capture including cough counting and performing Total and differential cell counts
  • Aerosol Technology team to support the inhalation dose route for novel compounds (aerosol and dry powder) and inflammatory challenges
  • Microbiology support for pathogen inoculum preparation and tissue burden end points
  • Immunoassay and immunotoxicology department to support a comprehensive local and systemic biomarker end points, including cytokine multiplexing and single plate ELISA’s, flow cytometry and other plate based assays

Respiratory Efficacy Disease PK/PD Models


动物模型 物种 临床相关的阳性对照和受试化合物的MOA 疾病靶标 治疗适应症 出版物
卵清蛋白致敏和激发模型(气道激发) 棕色挪威大鼠,小鼠,豚鼠 类固醇(全身和吸入)、地塞米松、布地奈德、丙酸氟替卡松、PI3激酶 多种抗炎性靶标 哮喘 过敏原诱发气道炎症大鼠模型中气道力学、炎症生物标记物和肺组织病理学的变化
卵清蛋白致敏和激发模型(鼻上气道激发) 小鼠 类固醇(地塞米松) 多种抗炎性靶标 鼻炎  
屋尘螨慢性模型 小鼠 IL-5抗体、泼尼松龙、PDE4(罗氟司特)吸入类固醇(布地奈德) 多种抗炎性靶标 哮喘 鼠房尘螨模型中慢性炎症的时程评估
IL-13 PK/PD杯状细胞增生模型 大鼠 - IL-13化痰剂途径 囊性纤维化  
LPS neutrophil chemotaxis PK/PD model ( inhaled and systemic) 大鼠,小鼠,豚鼠 类固醇,PDE4拮抗剂,P38 MAP激酶 中性粒细胞趋化性 COPD,中性粒细胞型哮喘 非人灵长类LPS模型中中性粒细胞肺浸润的急性标记物
吸入LPS + FMLP PK/PD模型 大鼠 AZD9668,Sivelestat(NE抑制剂) 中性粒细胞弹性蛋白酶 慢性阻塞性肺病  
急性5、12和17日烟草烟雾模型(对类固醇不敏感) 小鼠 PDE4(罗氟司特),吸入PDE4(GSK256066) 多种抗炎性 慢性阻塞性肺病 新型干粉临床前吸入给药系统在急性香烟烟雾诱发性肺炎模型中给予的吸入式PDE4抑制剂GSK256066的功效
人体中性粒细胞弹性蛋白酶肺出血模型 大鼠 AZD9668,Sivelestat(NE抑制剂) 中性粒细胞弹性蛋白酶 COPD,支气管扩张  
镇咳模型 豚鼠 可待因 镇咳 慢性咳嗽/COPD,肺纤维化)  
支气管狭窄模型 豚鼠 β激动剂(LABA)(例如福莫特罗)、长效毒蕈碱激动剂(LAMA)(例如噻托铵)和双重药效团毒蕈碱拮抗剂/β激动剂(MABA)(例如苯达特罗尔) 支气管扩张药(LABA、LAMA和MABA) COPD(哮喘)  
博来霉素诱导的肺纤维化模型 大鼠,小鼠 吡非尼酮,Nintedanib 肺纤维化的多个靶标 肺纤维化(IPF)

Changes in airway platelet population and morphology in a Murine model of lung fibrosis


Correlation of Nintedanib efficacy on fibrotic lesion deposition and lung function within a rat IPF model


Nintedanib attenuates lung function decline in a Bleomycin-induced rat model of pulmonary fibrosis


Repeat low doses of Bleomycin induces progressive changes in Murine lung mechanics associated with the development of pulmonary fibrosis

氯诱导的肺损伤 大鼠 N/A(罕见病药物适应症) 化学性肺损伤 化学暴露  
H1N1病毒性肺炎模型 小鼠/雪貂 抗感染药(奥司他韦“达菲”) 抗感染药或病毒引起的肺损伤 传染病/肺损伤/ COPD恶化 在H1N1(PR8)流感病毒感染的鼠模型中评估病毒载量和肺部炎症的病程
铜绿假单胞菌肺损伤和肺部感染模型 小鼠 Anti-infectives antibiotics/anti-inflammatory/mucolytis 抗感染药或细菌引起的肺损伤 传染病/囊性纤维化/COPD恶化  
曲霉菌 小鼠 抗感染(抗真菌) 抗真菌药或过敏会诱发的肺损伤 过敏性曲霉病  

正在寻找更多疾病模型? Check out our oncology models and all other pharmacology models

