Brian Hamilton,医学博士,哲学博士

Brian Hamilton,医学博士,哲学博士

Brian Hamilton, MD, PhD, is senior medical director for Labcorp Clinical Development Services, based in Newton, Massachusetts. He serves as Labcorp's subject matter expert for cellular immune-oncology, CAR T and gene therapy. 他还是客户药物研发项目的全球首席项目医师。Hamilton博士在儿科医学、免疫学、造血干细胞移植以及临床研发方面拥有35多年经验。 Before joining Labcorp, he served as executive medical monitor for Chiltern International. He also has held senior-level medical director, director physician, regulatory affairs and clinical research positions with Galena Biopharma, AstraZeneca, Onyx Pharmaceuticals, Wyeth Oncology and other pharmaceutical and biotech firms. Dr. Hamilton joined Labcorp in August 2018.

